Our Infrastructure

The technology we use has been carefully chosen and tuned for great performace and security

Keeping you connected

Our in-house network has been designed to only use high availability, low latency and direct connections to Tier 1 providers and exchanges. This guarantees your website and content is delivered to your customers at the best possible speed possible.

  • Multiple Juniper routers connected to our redundant, multi-homed network core
  • Upstream connections to GTT, Voxility, Link11, LINX.
  • 150Gbit uplink network capacity.
  • Direct peering with over 700 networks.

DDoS Protected

Our enhanced DDoS protection means in the event of DDoS attacks our infrastructure will automatically redirect malicious traffic elsewhere to reduce disruption to our network. We use both on-site and upstream DDoS mitigation to achieve this.

  • Upstream filtering provided via direct interconnects with Voxility and Link11
  • 100Gbit of local scrubbing capacity via on-premise Corero equipment.
  • Automatically redirect all malicious inbound traffic via Voxility or Link11.


Data centers

Choosing the right datacenter for our severs wasn't an easy choice. We choose our datacenters based on fault tolerance, power & cooling capability, security and energy source. We're proud to say that all the datacenters we use are using renewable energy and are environmental consciousness. They also meet third-party certification standards with all sites providing ISO 27001 and ISO 9001.

  • Telehouse NorthThis is the heart of our network infrastructure housing our primary UK network point giving us direct low-latency connections to our other datacenters and international networks.
  • Netwise HouseWith our caged area for housing our infrastructure which provides added security our primary datacenter is close to central London and our primary network point.
  • Redcentric LondonRedcentric is our primary off-site backup location. In the event something should go wrong we host a clone of our platform to ensure we have you protected in any such event.
  • Iron MountainIron Mountain is a perfect partner to house our US-based services because of their years of experience in high-security business services and its rapidly expanding footprint of facilities around the world.

Servers built for speed

The software installed on our servers has been designed for maximum performance so your customers never have to wait. We're using LiteSpeed web server and caching technology to ensure your sites always load as fast as they can. We're also using account resource isolation to ensure your sites have the resources they need when they need it.

  • LiteSpeed Web Server with LiteSpeed Cache enabled - supporting the very latest performance web protocols such as QUIC, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
  • PHP OPcache enabled by default
  • The latest PHP performance enhancements are always available
  • Accounts are fully segregated for maximum security isolation and to ensure assigned resources are always available

Malware Protected

Our servers include a multitude of protective solutions for free to ensure the utmost security to all of our users. This includes systems that automatically scan and detect any issues and notify you immediately. We also advise you of available security updates for your web applications completely free of charge

  • Redundant hardware firewall appliances scan all traffic to and from our shared services with integrated Intrusion Prevention filtering to block zero-day threats
  • A comprehensive Web Application Firewall using mod_security and extensive rulesets is updated daily to mitigate common attack vectors against major content management systems
  • All content uploads are scanned in real-time to block known virus and malware threats
  • Weekly scanning of all user-stored content with comprehensive reporting to identify infected/compromised content and provide actionable feedback to users